

Two cats havebecome the first pets in the United States to test positive for coronavirus,federal agencies announced Wednesday in a release recommending a number of precautionspet owners should take.

Both animals,which are from separate areas of New York state, had minor respiratory symptomsand are expected to make a full recovery, a release from the U.S. Department ofAgriculture and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

One cat wastested after its owner had already tested positive for COVID-19. The other camefrom a home where no one has a confirmed case of the virus, and officialsspeculate the animal may have contracted the virus from a family member whodidn't realize they had the virus or through contact with an infected personoutside the home.

"Wedon't want people to panic. We don't want people to be afraid of pets" orto rush to test them en masse, Dr. Casey Barton Behravesh, a CDC official whoworks on human-animal health connections, told the Associated Press."There's no evidence that pets are playing a role in spreading thisdisease to people."

Even so,officials continue to recommend pet owners take several precautions. Mostbasic: "Treat pets as you would other human family members," the CDCrecommends.

That meanspets shouldn't interact with people or animals outside their home, cats shouldremain indoors if possible, owners should avoid busy dog parks and dogs shouldbe walked on a leash, maintaining a 6-foot distance from other people andanimals.

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